Thursday, June 7, 2007

Random Thoughts

K, this is going to be the best month ever~there are special services with Bro Platania, Bro. Merrit will be here for Harvest Weekend, my girls are grading, and two of my very best friends will be here at the end of the month!

On the way home from work today, I had my windows rolled down, music blaring, and singing at the top of my lungs. I probably looked like the biggest geek in the world (I know that cause that's what I think of people when I see them doing the same thing! HAHA!). I personally don't care, I was having a blast! I had the Frontline music cd in having total flashbacks and realized that YC is in like a month~ummm, actually less! I am totally psyched!

To me one of my favorite things in the world is to drive in my car with friends, have music blaring, and us singing at the top of our lungs. Why? you might say? Well, here's the deal. Somewhere else in the world crazy, Christian girls like us are probably doing the same thing at that very same time having just as much fun. To me it is one of the greatest feeling knowing that there are people out there just like us!!!! Livin' for Jesus rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jessica deLeeuw said...

You are funny! I have a good month too this month. I'm going to BC today and won't be back until June 18th. Although, I'm very sad to be missing the Bro. Franco!! I've heard him preach in Cali @ Bro. Clarks church and he's amazing speaker! Can't wait till youth conf!! Have fun while I'm gone!

MissionsAngel said...

Lisa you are too much! And I LOVE IT! Can't wait to see you! Watch out Calgary, I am on my way! jk