So, yesterday a bunch of us went to Cactus Club (surprise, surprise). Well, actually a bunch of us is actually like 30 people, but really who's counting? We, at my table, had an absolute blast. Many interesting facts came about. The best one though is the fact that turtles can breath through their bums. I promise you this is the absolute truth. I googled it today because I seriously could not believe this. Vren, you were totally right. Here's a little blurb about that. Enjoy!
"Aquatic respiration. As far as is known, all chelids have cloacalbursae (Smith and James, 1958). These are two large diverticulaarising from the side of the cloaca. The cloacal bursae are almost certainly an organ of gas exchange in water. In other words, theturtles can respire through their bums. All chelids are probably able to meet at least some of their gas exchange requirements (oxygen in,carbon dioxide out) through cloacal respiration, but none can meet allof their requirements this way. In addition to cloacal repiration,chelids can also breath though their lungs and probably through theirskin. The morphology of the interior lining of the cloacal bursae isprobably a rough guide as to how much of their total repiration is carried out through the bursae. Some species have relatively smoothlinings whereas others have highly evaginated linings, the projectsproviding a very extensive surface area for gas exchange."
Which basically means that they breath and pass gas thru the same place! Hahaha! Wow, God has an imagination!
Congratulations my little turtle friend... the secret to life. LOL!
Love You
LOL told you! I no lie!
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