Monday, June 18, 2007

What Is This World Coming Too?

After church yesterday, a bunch of us went downtown to grab something to eat, and, of course, we stopped off at Starbucks. I started to read a section of the paper sitting on the was announcements for weddings and engagements. I started to read this one about a presbyterian minister and HER wife. They had just gotten married. It is disturbing to see what kind of religious doctrination and leadership is occuring in our world. The Bible has never changed and it never will (read 1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Occurences like these only prove that the return of our Saviour is quickly approaching. We must be ready.

1 comment:

Amber. said...

yes we must be ready.........Isnt it just depressing, and like down right sick what this world is coming to....