Thursday, October 25, 2007


K, wow, it's been like a hundred years since I updated my blog. So since its been forever, I will give a bit of an update. Here goes......

Wellllll, I finally got my own apartment. I love it! I love being on my own. Sort of....It can get SO BORING! But I love blaring my music (well as loud as you can in a totally not soundproof apartment) cleaning.....believe it or not.....and messing it all up again when I cook...for no one...cause there is absolutely NOTHING to do!

Hmmmm....what else...Oh yeah....I'm working at Truth Academy with the best bunch of kids EVER! I love them....and spoil them rotten. I'm going broke treating them every don't know....I'm confused! I'm also working with a 15 year old who has cerbral palsy. He is adorable....he calls me mommy cause his mom and I have the same name. I love my jobs right now. I couldn't ask for better.

Let's bro came out to visit and we had a blast...and he's coming out again. We'll be driving back from Nanaimo on the 26th of December. Which means....YAY...Christmas. I love Christmas! I'm going back home and I'm so excited!

Well, I guess that pretty much sums up the recent events in my life......Right now I NEED A VACATION! I'm going crazy.

I'm going to try and keep my blog updated from now on.....operative word - try. I have no computer as of yet....yes, I'm totally going nuts without one.

Well, Love ya all....Cheers....


MissionsAngel said...

Welcome back to blog world Lisa Lisa! I missed you! =0)

Jerms said...

u should bring the kid to church, like to meet em

Jessica deLeeuw said...

hahaha.. you see.. now you have a computer to update more often! Since you have internet today...... why haven't you updated your blog young lady!!

Love ya.. see ya when I get home! God bless!

Amber. said...

I LOVE CHRISTMAS TO!!!!!!!!!! it gives you like a warm coazy feeling inside....when its snowing and ur listening to christmas music....ahh the life!!! lol

V said...

Ok Moe, time to post something new!!

Jason said...

its a lil time for inspiration
so in the midst of the darkness shines the flickering light
that we can find in a pitch black room the path to righteousness based on the light of a match
ur brother in Christ
-Jason de Leeuw

Matt D said...

WOW, all the updates!!!!!

Jerms said...

i like updates