Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's kinda neat how God uses people who you would never imagine just to give us a little nudge in the right direction. Yesterday, Sara, Polly and myself were at our regular Tuesday night Starbucks having a great 'ol time (maybe being a little silly about somethings..which with those two...hmmm..lol!), when something was said that caught the attention of a gentleman nearby. He said some things to us to which I really did not pay attention but then what he said next completely caught it. "You know why you feel that way? You don't pray enough. You know what happens when you pray? You move the Father." We did not mock him, we did not make fun of him, we calmly listened to what he had to say. The thoughts were..if God can use a donkey to speak to a nation, he could use this man to speak to us and "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares(Hebrews 13:2)." I'm not saying that this is what happened, perhaps he could have just been a crazy person. However, this subject has been so prevelant on my mind that I believe that this was God's little way of saying "Hey, you've been thinking about it...so DO IT." Do we pray enough? Probably not. Do we seek the face of God enough? Probably not, and I don't think we can ever stop reaching for that greater level in our worship, our prayer or in our relationship God. I appreciate our Tuesday night Bible Study and Prayer, and I hope that we continue these Tuesdays for as long as possible. However, I also hope that our prayer lives are more than just on Tuesday night, but that they also continue on throughout the week. This is our relationship with God. We really have no excuse. If we can talk on the phone, hang out with our friends and text like there is no tomorrow, why can we not set aside a time every day to spend a little time with Jesus? More than anything, this is to myself...but I guess just take it as a little food for thought:)


Jessica deLeeuw said...

That's an awsome post Lisa!! Good food for thought!

Anonymous said...

your so so right Lisa!! I think we could all use that little reminder. That same man came up to me last night and said "Mam, do you know that Jesus loves you?" Maybe he was a little crazy, but God can use all sorts. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thara again here....I love the thought lease!!! I was actually telling star about it tonight cause I am still thinking about it!! Lol!! The guy might have been quite the odd ball but we are still talking about his thoughts!!! :) love you girly!!!
Ps...why am I not on ur favorite links :'( sniff* haha!!

Lisa Osterbeck said...

Awww Thanks Thara....I'm adding you right now...lol...love you too..