Thursday, February 12, 2009

The state of my existence.....

Well, let's just say God is great!!! A couple of Saturdays ago I had the potential for a massively huge freakout (I kind of have a tendancy to do that). Let me explain....I received a call from the dealership that I purchased my vehicle from, and apparently my car was a stolen vehicle and that I had to come and get a new one. To top that off, I then received a notice from my landlord that I had to move. Apparently, the suite I'm currently in is an illegal suite and I have to move otherwise her home insurance is no good. So my natural first move was to freak out, have a panic know, basically not trust in God to handle everything. This time, however, I decided to just take things in, take a deep breath, and hit my knees (in prayer). I literally knew instantly that everything was going to be okay. I knew God had a plan for this nĂºmero uno self proclaimed freakout. Anyway, I started looking for some places to live (oh, I got a new car with fewer k, which is great!). Wow, rent can be pretty expensive! I then decided I either had to get a roommate or get married...and the latter just ain't happenin' right So, I was chatting with Reba and Stephanie (a couple of new, totally awesome girls in out church) and it just so happens that she (Stephanie) really needs a roomate. To make an already long story shorter, after a couple of discussions and a lot of prayer with some extremely important people (Pastor King, Bro.&Sis. Baker), we decided that this would be a pretty good thing for both of us (me cuz I love having people around all the time and it's easier on the pocket book and Stephanie cuz of the same thing). Ultimately, I guess I'm pretty much stoked about what God is going to do for the both of us. I'm also thankful that I'm learning to trust in God a lot more than what I used to. So there ya update on me. Lol... I heart u all!!'


Katrina Holmes (Tina) said...

That is so totally awesome and cool. Lisa. God has a way of working things out for those who trust in Him.

Mellie B. said...

wheres the new pad gonna be?? thats awsome news girl!

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I am so excited about your new place!!! It is just so totally cool, so awesome, and so convenient!!! :) I cant wait till you move in!!!!

Janell said...

Hey, throw a party at your new place and invite me! hahahaha!
Wow, quite a deal! What's with all the illegal stuff? Weird huh? =) God has a cool way of blessing us, don't you think? Sometimes it seems like a bad situation, and then come to find out it's a "blessing in disguise!"
Congrats on your new place, new car, and new roommate! =)

Emma xoxo said...