Friday, June 5, 2009


I am bored out of my tree... and I do not feel like working!! Anyone wanna do my job for me today? I will pay you one million actually I won't. That would not be wise, and in my old age, I think I need as much wisdom as one could possibly find...and money. So why would I give it away?

p.s. This is the lamest post ever and does not even constiute reading. If you do, I feel that you may just as bored as I am, and I pitty you a great deal...

p.p.s. Does anyone want to fly to Jamaica this weekend? My boss just gave me free tickets for 10 people. No he didn't that is a complete lie. I need help...serious serious help. I am turning into a pathological liar like Henry, my new bff.

p.p.p.s. This is getting rediculous. I do not have a new bff. And certainly not one whose name is Henry. Perhaps I should study out the great 10 Commandments this evening....perhaps the one about lying...or stealing because I just got this new car that I did not pay for...oh man, did it again....


V said...

That was my Moe completely on the world wide web! LOL hilarious!

Anonymous said...

LOL that was great;)

Amy St. Pierre said...

Oooookay...Lisa you need a new job, seriously! Like running a dayhome with 19 kids, maybe...hey, you would never be bored!!! Luv ya!

Lisa Osterbeck said...

Who are mr/mrs ananymous person?

Anonymous said...

You crack me up leesa

Lisa Osterbeck said... are creepy mr anaymous person

V said...

anaymous ---- safari has this word underlined indicating that it is a misspelled word.


Lisa Osterbeck said...

I did not pass grade 5 apparently

Amanda said...

Hey can I go to Jamaica with you!!! ...Oh wait you lied about that, guess I will have to tell Henry...oh you lied about that too. When do I get to see your new car....oh yeah, that was fake too. Guess you really do need to study those commandments or were you lying about that too!!! LOL that was a great post Lisa...and yup I was bored til I read this :)

Jessica deLeeuw said...

Hey Lady!!! Ur hilarious!! Ever since I've been married.. I just want to stay home.. I used to enjoy coming into work!! Now I have so much at home to do!! I get bored at work. Luv ya!!

Marks Starlet said...

Just ligt up your hands wherever you are.... And ask the Lord to come into your heart!

See....You feel so much better now!


Tanya Salo said...

Love you Lisa!

Pauly-Bee-PO-Pal said...

Hey Leesa...ever since i've started dating, i stopped lying and started not not not doing my homework. CRAZEEEEEEEEE :D LOL
IDK whats wrong with me :(



Lisa Osterbeck said...

Polly polly polly, idk either we have the same syndrome...I'm so happy you're dating though!!! That's great news!

Pauly-Bee-PO-Pal said...

i know! :D we need help :S

Lisa Osterbeck said...

Tell me about it! I know this great psychologist...His name is JESUS!!!!